Dear Patient. You may have noticed that we have changed our name to The Village Doctor. This is our brand new and exciting service and you have arrived at our new website. Due to our service being so new, we are not yet open. This is because we have applied for CQC approval. This is estimated to take approx 10 weeks. Please feel free to look around our website and check back at a later date.

Viral Open Access Service




The Viral Open Access Service

Did we at The Village Doctor diagnose you with a viral disease? have your symptoms worsened?? 

Why pay again?

We will see you again within the first 7 days of our initial consult for only a nominal fee of £19. 

We will re-assess your symptoms.

In first world medicine a good clinician will not prescribe antibiotics for minor ailments, but will be happy to follow you up should your symptoms worsen and issue you with a prescription should it be required. 

Many times the answer does not lie in antibiotics.....

Antibiotics are not the answer to every ailment.

It is inevitable that many if not most of personal illness is caused by a virus. 

Flu and other respiratory ailments are common infectious viral illnesses which can be highly contagious.

Main symptoms include a raised temperature, tiredness and general exhaustion, headaches and general aches and pains. 

It is very possible that after a thorough consultation one of our doctors will diagnose you with a viral illness and you will not receive antibiotics but be introduced to our range of our over the counter medications. 

This should not be seen as a negative thing as a course of antibiotics without presence of a bacterial infection can cause significant harm. You should not want to consult a clinician who prescribes antibiotics “willy nilly”

We do appreciate that illnesses can change. A secondary bacterial infection to a virus can occur. This is why we offer a “virus come back service” where if up to one week after the first consultation your symptoms worsen we will see you again for only a nominal charge of £19. 

First World Private Family Medicine
Dr Gadi Shalom MBChB, MRCGP
CEO The Village Doctor Ltd
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