Dear Patient. You may have noticed that we have changed our name to The Village Doctor. This is our brand new and exciting service and you have arrived at our new website. Due to our service being so new, we are not yet open. This is because we have applied for CQC approval. This is estimated to take approx 10 weeks. Please feel free to look around our website and check back at a later date.


Nictotine can be as addictive as heroin. This staggering fact is endorsed by the oral cancer foundation as well as many evidence based scientific literature.   Here at The Village Doctor we aim to provide you with a medicated way to finally stop smoking for good. 



Medication to help you stop smoking.

Here at The Village Doctor we use a pharmacological approach with daily medication for a temporary period to help you stop smoking. 

There are numerous medications available, each with its own pros and cons. We aim to provide an individualist treatment plan to ensure you stay quit.

Maimon Medical Private GP Manchester - Stop Smoking Clinic Tablets-min


The answer to this question lies in the fact that Nicotine has the same addictive strength as Heroin. Here at Maimon Medical we recognize the challenge and provide a scientific, doctor led and pharmacological  treatment plan to aid you in stopping smoking 

Stop Smoking at Maimon Medical

  • Provides a medicated treatment plan to stop smoking.
  • Avoids the use of Nicotine patches. Nicotine is the problem. 
  • Three face to face gp appointments. 
  • Treatment plan given on the day.

Your journey to stopping smoking with The Village Doctor

Lets get started....

Your First appointment.

In this appointment which lasts approximately 30 mins, a full medical history is taken . A blood pressure, weight and pulse is then measured.

A date for cessation of smoking is then decided together. A prescription is then given to start several weeks before the cessation date and to be continued post cessation.

You have already taken the first step. Onto the second.......

Your Second Appointment

This appointment is usually approx 6-8 weeks post cessation and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Your medication is reviewed and challenges to your withdrawal is discussed.

In many cases a formal chest x-ray is done. This is to help rule out any nodules or growths on your lung that could indicate lung cancer which is much more common in smokers. A treatment plan is then revised depending on the outcome of the consultation.

Free at last .....

Your third Appointment

By this appointment is usually which is approx 12 weeks post cessation, your lungs should be much cleaner and clearer. This final review lasts approximately 30 minutes. A decision is taken on a date to stop the medication and hopefully live smoke free. A treatment plan is then revised depending on the outcome of the consultation.

Chest x-ray for your peace of mind.

Smokers are at a much higher risk of lung cancer and although specific medical questions related to this, are asked at the initial consultation to help look for any red flags of something sinister, a chest x-ray is performed and reviewed closely by one of our doctors. This helps rule out any signs of lung cancer.

For more information of our stop smoking clinic request a call back.

First World Private Family Medicine
Dr Gadi Shalom MBChB, MRCGP
CEO Maimon Medical
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