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Blood Pressure Bundle Care Package

A complete blood pressure care package at Maimon Medical


This blood pressure care bundle is a full blood pressure care package aimed at controlling your blood pressure using the latest available evidence based medicine  guidelines as indicated by NICE. The blood pressure bundle consists of 3 GP appointments. 

In your first appointment a doctor will take your medical history and assess your lifestyle. Your height, weight and BMI will be measured by a member of the nursing team and your blood and urine will be tested, along with your blood pressure, pulse, temperature and oxygen saturation. You may also have a 12 lead ECG recording of your heart rhythm if it is clinically indicated.

You will also be given a blood pressure monitor (which is yours to keep) where you will be asked to do one weeks worth of home readings and jot them down on the Maimon Medical blood pressure diary. This approach is called ambulatory monitoring and is endorsed by NICE. The reason for ambulatory BP monitoring is because a one off high (or low) blood pressure reading is often not sufficient enough to provide  diagnosis of high blood pressure. 

Once we receive your complete blood pressure diary . A second appointment is made where we initiate you on your specific treatment plan tailored to your personal health. There are lots of different treatment approaches and medications to blood pressure. Each treatment plan has its own pros and cons.  NICE advise clinicians to ensure the treatment is tailored and individualist. 

In your third appointment your blood pressure is re-checked to see how well your body is responding to the new medication. Often a repeat blood test is performed to check that your kidneys are responding well to the medication. 

Often a fourth appointment is required to check on any changes made in your third appointment. Should this be required this will be included in the blood pressure package. 

You and your GP  will subsequently receive a personalized report from the GP, detailing your results and any treatments or recommendations.

The blood pressure care bundle includes:

Face to face GP appointments.

– Up to four GP appointments are included in the package. Some of these consultations can also be done via video consult at your convenience. 


– One free good quality blood pressure monitor.


Routine bloods including a full blood count and urea and electrolytes (kidney function) 


We will issue you with a prescription, 


If you have any questions please contact our practice.

Our Blood Pressure Care Bundle

We follow NICE clinical guidance  ensuring latest medical evidence ais applied to your health. 

Up to 4 GP appointments

We don't just give you medication and send you away. How do we know they are working?

This is why NICE clinical guidelines recommend after initiating treatment the patient gets followed-up until blood pressure control is optimal.

Blood tests

On your first appoinment you will get a full set of bloods. This is to rule out any secondary causes of high blood pressure and to get a baseline to see if your kidneys can tolerate the medication.

Depending which emdication is initiated. The blood tests may need t orepeated 2 weeks after starting the medication to ensure your kidneys are tolerating the new medication.

Ambulatory monitoring with free blood pressure monitor.

A free blood pressure monitor is included with the bundle.

Following uptodate NICE clinical guidance

We believe in following clinical guidance from NICE. High blood pressure is a silent killer and devasting to a persons health. We want to make sure you get the best available evidence based treatment.

An individual blood pressure care plan tailored to YOUR specific health.

Get treatment before potential irreversible health problems.

Essential Hypertension

High blood pressure isoften known as essential hypertension in “doctor talk”. 

It is known as the silent killer because most patients do not feel any symptoms until its too late. Many patients only find out once they have had a stroke. 

Uncontrolled blood pressure is devastating for the body ub numerous different ways as shown on the right. 



Uncontrolled high blood pressure is the most common reason for a stroke. According to NHS England the most common cause of haemorrhagic stroke is high blood pressure.

Heart problems

High blood pressure places a significant extra strain on the heart. This can cause the heart to enlarge and cause subsequent heart failure.


Blood pressure problems causes the main large blood vessels such as the aorta to swell and bulge at weak points. This is called an aneurysm and is considered to life threatening with 50% mortality rate if the aneurysm bursts.

Kidney problems

High blood pressure – over time, this can put strain on the small blood vessels in the kidneys and stop the kidneys working properly

What is the theme of World Hypertension Day 2023? Increasing public awareness about hypertension is key, along with access to early detection and management. The theme of World Hypertension Day, 2023 is 'Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer'. People need to know why raised blood pressure is dangerous, and how to take steps to control it.

First World Private Family Medicine
Dr Gadi Shalom MBChB, MRCGP
CEO Maimon Medical
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