Dear Patient. You may have noticed that we have changed our name to The Village Doctor. This is our brand new and exciting service and you have arrived at our new website. Due to our service being so new, we are not yet open. This is because we have applied for CQC approval. This is estimated to take approx 10 weeks. Please feel free to look around our website and check back at a later date.

Mental Health



I believe in the traditional good all fashioned mental health GP services. It may have taken months or years for you to pick up the courage to discuss your mental health and deepest of feelings. You are worth a heck of a lot more than 10 minutes!!

Dr Gadi Shalom


Your Mental Health Journey With The Village Doctor

Your first step with The Village Doctor is actually 5 steps toward coming to a diagnosis and getting your mental health symptoms under control.

A Five Step Journey




Happy Clients


Programs & Trainings

We believe in the traditional proper GP mental health services. We don’t consider it possible to sort out mental health problems in a 10-minute appointment. Mental health is complex and the diagnoses are nuanced. Not everyone, has depression, there are numerous other mental health conditions which are often misdiagnosed and thus mismanaged.

At The Village Doctor, your mental health journey starts with 5 appointments.

The first appointment is 45 mins where a thorough and detailed history is taken and a differential diagnosis is made. A medication may also be initiated with a private prescription.

We always follow up one week after your first appointment with a 30-minute session. With subsequent follow-up appointments at 4, 8 and 12 weeks respectively.

Some of what we see



Generalised anxiety disorder

Panic disorder.



Many other conditions…

The Five Step Mental Health Journey With The Village Doctor

First World Mental Health Interventions – The Village Doctor 

Lets begin.....

Your First Appointment

Your first appointment takes usually 45 minutes to an hour. An in-depth consultation taking a full medical and mental health history including a mini mental health examination. A formal diagnosis is usually made at this appointment and a treatment plan is created.

You have got the ball rolling....

Your Second Appointment

Your second appointment usually takes place 1 to 2 weeks following your first appointment. This practice is in keeping with NICE guidelines where a patient should be followed up very soon following a diagnosis and initation of medication.

You are nearly half way there....

First World Mental Health Interventions – The Village Doctor

Lets keep the ball rolling.....

Your Third Appointment

Your first appointment takes usually 45 minutes to an hour. An in-depth consultation taking a full medical and mental health history including a mini mental health examination. A formal diagnosis is usually made at this appointment and a treatment plan is created.

We are nearly there.....

Your Fourth Appointment

This consultation normally takes place approximately 8 weeks following your initial consultation. This appointment is aimed at reviewing your mental health symptoms and your medication. We check if the changes to your medication are working and if you are tolerating the medication well. In this appointment we can make changes and adjustments to ensure continued stability. We also review your mental health plan going.

Wow, we are nearly finished our journey....

Your Fifth appointment

This consultation usually takes place 12 weeks after your first. This is where your mental health symptoms and medications are reviewed following on any changes made in the prior appoinment. Although this does not have to be a final appointment, we would expect at this stage significant improvement in your symptoms and only fine-tuning to be implemented to an already stable treatment plan and a firm confident diagnosis, At around this time, usually an in-depth letter is sent your your GP outlining a formal diagnosis and mental health treatment plan.

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We hand over the baton to your NHS GP practice.

We know private GP consultations can be expensive. We don’t aim hold on to you for a long period of time.

Our approach is to put in all the hard work, get you a firm diagnosis and on a stable on medication and subsequent  treatment plan. 

Once you are stable we then hand over the baton back to your normal NHS GP to continue the treatment plan. 

A doctors letter will be sent to your GP outlining your diagnosis,treatment plan and commendation for further management.

First World Family Mental Health

Book your mental health journey now with The Village Doctor

We will write to your NHS GP.

We will write to your NHS GP to keep them informed of your progress and medications. This means once you are discharged from us your treatment plan can continue.

Maimon Medical - Patient and Doctor Consultation 2
First World Private Family Medicine
Dr Gadi Shalom MBChB, MRCGP
CEO The Doctor Clinics
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