Dear Patient. You may have noticed that we have changed our name to The Village Doctor. This is our brand new and exciting service and you have arrived at our new website. Due to our service being so new, we are not yet open. This is because we have applied for CQC approval. This is estimated to take approx 10 weeks. Please feel free to look around our website and check back at a later date.

Private GP Consultations

From face-to-face consultations to private prescriptions, you can see here a full list of GP appointments and services here at The Village Doctor as well as accompanying prices. 



Private Healthcare Services Manchester

First World Family Medicine

We understand that we all have different healthcare needs and requirements

Standard 30 Minute GP appointment

Express 20 Minute GP Appointment

Telephone or Video Appointment

Home Visit

Private Prescription

Private Referral

Sick Note

We hand over the baton to your NHS GP practice.

We know private GP consultations can be expensive. We don’t try to hold on to you for a long period of time.

Our approach is to put in all the hard work, get you a diagnosis and on a stable treatment plan. 

We then hand over the baton to your normal NHS GP to continue the treatment plan. 

A doctors letter will be sent to your GP outlining your diagnosis,treatment plan and commendation for further management.

We will write to your NHS GP.

We will write to your NHS GP to keep them informed of your progress and medications. This means once you are discharged from us your treatment plan can continue.


For more information of our services request a call back.

First World Private Family Medicine
Dr Gadi Shalom MBChB, MRCGP
CEO The Village Doctor Ltd
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